Sunday, July 19, 2009

Wow, this is really hard!

My hat is off to guys who stay locked in chastity tubes for longer than a few hours. It's really hard. (Pardon the pun.) I've been locked in since Thursday, except for when I'm asleep. Overall, I enjoy having the thing locked on, but the reasons for that have been changing. At first, it was just a physical sensation of having my privates caged and locked. Yes, that part of the submissive's mind that enjoys being bound will like the sensation of the CB. After wearing it for a while, though, I felt a slightly longer term change. I had to avoid arousing images or even dwelling on certain thoughts too much or I would be reminded that my arousal was under lock and key, not just my physical parts. A cock cage, after all, polices erection, not sex. (I define sex as a LOT more than penetration.)

Then yesterday I saw a beautiful woman crossing the parking lot of a store I was exiting. Normally I would think something like "holy crap, is she beautiful," and be on my way. But yesterday I had a sensation of being very, very submissive to her and absolutely no threat to her whatsoever. It may sound odd, that "no threat" part, but western society sends messages -- some subtle, some overt -- to everyone. To women it's "you're not pretty enough," and to men it's "you are a potential rapist." As this woman passed ten feet away, I felt absolved of the unspoken accusation. I noticed her, had a fleeting wish to carry her packages for her, and went on my way.

I wonder what would happen if there was some way that women could tell instantly and without a doubt which guys were locked up. Maybe a piece of jewelry could tell the tale. Would meeting a single guy and knowing he was locked make any difference to the conversation? To her opinion of him? Yes, a thousand anwers depending on who "she" is and who "he" is, but a curious thought experiment. Or is it a fantasy?

Back to the wearing of the thing...

The problems associated with a cage device are well documented, and it takes first-hand experience to understand what can be done about some of them. Sleeping and urinating are my biggest problems, in that order.

I need to get pretty accustomed to wearing the device before I try sleeping in it again, and then do so at a time when I can deal with several-times-nightly wake-up calls from nature. I need sleep, especially when I'm ramping up the running, and work is demanding enough that I have to be totally "with it" or I'll get into trouble pretty quickly. Gotta sleep.

Yesterday when I was getting myself put together in the morning, I found that one of the guide pins on the CB had come out of its socket. It goes right back in and can be glued without a problem, but I'll do that during the week.

I spent several hours yesterday afternoon in a place without toilets. I'll skip all the messy details except to say that I noticed a stream coming out of the top of the CB; the seam has a small pinhole in it that is only detectable by "fluids under pressure." That's another easy fix (I put clear tape over it for the time being), but I'm getting fairly annoyed at the number of "little fixes" that this thing is requiring.

Finally, I do have to wear loose clothing to accommodate the CB. That's not a HUGE big deal, but it is different. It does not lend itself to cross-dressing very well at all; it makes the bulge BIGGER, which is kind of not the point.

So there is my current ramble about my experiences and thoughts over the past days. My opinion is pretty much unchanged: as one tool among many for couples to play with, to extend sexuality out of the bedroom, chastity is a delicious experience that provides access to many levels of mental play. But I wouldn't want to be in long-term lockup unless a woman got SERIOUSLY off on it. And even then, it would take some kind of mental stimulation to make it worth while... she would have to talk to me and let me know what she was getting out of it.

The last experiment I have considered is to see how long it takes in chastity before I can "milk" my prostate, or if I even can. It's day four without erection or stimulation, so I'm thinking my chances are pretty good. We'll see. I'll post something if I figure it out.

What I might do with all of this information I'm gathering through experiment, I have no idea. Perhaps I should write an owner's manual for myself, an indexed PDF file with a little registration card in the back for the warranty. Who said relationships were risky? 10 years or 150,000 miles of trouble-free service. What more can you ask for?


(Note: Cross-posted to

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