Saturday, September 19, 2009


I understand that people who make their livings through performances -- sports figures, actors, musicians -- occasionally go through slumps. For some period of time they just are not at their best. It would be tempting to draw out a curve of performance, overlay all sorts of possible triggers, and try to identify the "one thing" that caused the decrease in performance. Then it could be dealt with. But often it's not that simple. The human animal is complex and operates in an environment that is not entirely controllable.

Much has been written about the emotional angst men go through when they have a performance "slump." Most women are more understanding than their partners give them credit for, but a slump can bring tension into the relationship. When there is no past relationship trust to hang onto during a slump, however, then the situation takes on a more daunting pall.

There are two things happening in my life that are somewhat "new." First, I'm seeing someone for the first time in a very long time. It's fun and exciting and I think she's really wonderful in a whole host of ways. I'm mildly smitten, "going down like a bowling pin" as a friend humorously observes. And I'm enjoying it in a very relaxed way. But I'm also in the first slump I can ever remember in my entire life. The two facts seem to be on a collision course. For now I'm not in a hurry on the relationship front and she seems fine with that. But at some point the slump will have to be a vague historical fact or there will be a very awkward situation.

All I can do is cut back on the exercise a little, keep eating right, increase my sleep a bit, and find time to relax and not work until 11:00 at night. This, too, shall pass. I just hope it does so without causing any real problems. Anxiety is not a solution.


Maybe I get off on being lonely. Then I'd have a fetish of one.

I'm off to sacrifice a chicken before the big game.


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