Saturday, August 21, 2010

Blowing a Gasket

I'll be the first to admit that I'm sensitive to grammar and spelling. Words have meanings, and punctuation has function. Why do people believe that the time it takes them to write correctly one time is more valuable than the effort it takes every reader thereafter to translate their crap into coherent thought? It says very loudly: "As a lazy bastard/bitch, I expect you to be so enthralled with my stunning thought that you will plow through my laziness/stupidity/illiteracy endlessly."

Stop it.

Question: Does a woman who is writing about respecting women really deserve an ounce of respect if she repeatedly spells the singular "woman" as "women?" To me she is countering with evidence what she thinks she is arguing. It is more common than unusual, I'm afraid.

Apostrophe-S is never used to make something plural. Ever. EVER. It is used to show possession and contraction. That is all. Period.

If those two errors were corrected most of the time, then the readability of the kinky internet would improve dramatically. The tone would change from lazy Neanderthal to actually human.

Okay, I'm applying a new gasket in place of the one blown. Please have a wonderful day, and show a little respect to your fellow bloggers.

Thank You!

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