Saturday, May 30, 2015


I think that my lack of blogging here is a milestone in itself.  Yes, I'm still in the HT2, so far without complications or problems.  In fact, I'm not waking up so often at night, and I don't notice the device while out and about.  Yes, going to the bathroom still takes a small amount of planning, but that's not the big deal it once was.

The biggest surprise this time around is the emotional / sexual change.  I'm not as desperate as I was after a few days the first week I was in chastity.  Even though I "cleared the pipes" several times last weekend -- purely for health reasons, you understand -- the total sexual insanity endured during days 3 - 5 of lockdown are nowhere near as intense this time.  In fact, the device feels "safe" rather than like an infernal barrier.

And that brings me to the psychological changes.  While locked up, I feel less like a participant in the sexual dance and more like a neutral observer.  (Or is it neutered observer?)  I still absolutely LOVE being around women and all things feminine, but the constant male calculus of who might be flirting or like what she sees just isn't happening like it does when I'm not locked up.  I feel appreciation and admiration without a need to perform in a particular way.  So... feelings of safety times two.  What is up with that?

I will very soon -- as in this weekend -- have to figure out how to keep my prostate healthy while locked up.  If I can crack the code on that issue, then there is no reason I can't stay locked up for longer periods.  Intellectually, I understand the methods; but reading a post or article on "how to" does not help make it happen.  It's a learned sensation to some extent, and I have not yet learned it.

Strict Mistress at will give me the combination to my lock box by end of day tomorrow.  I'd like to just roll over into another period of lockdown, perhaps just go on a weekly cycle.  That rollover period will be my only chance to make some key adjustments, like offering keys to a potential keyholder or allowing authorized people to tweak my lockdown time and other settings.  I'll be thinking about that over the next day or so.  I've been ratcheting up the intensity pretty rapidly, and so far that has been fine.  I've ultimately been in control, and no third parties have really had much say in anything.  The progression I am going through looks something like:

1)  Lock device on for a few hours; work out wearability issues.
2)  Lock device on for a few days; carry keys with me at all times.
3)  Lock device on for a week; keep keys nearby.
4)  Lock device on for a week; lock keys in keysafe; keep safe master key accessible.
5)  Lock device on for a week at a time; update settings each week; lock keys in keysafe; master key accessible in emergency, but tamper evident. (This is where I am now.)
6)  Turn keys over to Keyholder;  lock device on for indefinite period; lock keys in keysafe; master key remotely accessible in an extreme emergency, but tamper evident and / or under someone else's control.

Oh, and I've been toying with a design for an Arduino module that goes in a keysafe and reports a log to the keyholder via wireless e-mail, so she/he knows any time the safe has been opened or moved.  Am I nuts?!

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